Let the fight against fat shaming begin!

Good Morning All,

So I’m not sure if you have heard the Name Roz Mays over the past 24 hours but … this Diva is shutting it down! The war on fat and body shaming has begun. I won’t lie I’m so sick of being told I’m to fat to do stuff, that I’m too fat in general, that I must be unhappy and hate myself. Oh my favorite is I just have to be borderline diabetic. Roz has been an amazing spokesperson to all of the plus size men and women who just want to work out and try to make themselves better. God Forbid. Why does it have to be so surprising that someone with extra weight on them can do something that takes strength. I dont know i just wanted to take a moment to thank Roz and all of the plus size polers and athletes out there for just being them, for being awesome!

This is just a quick post but i really wanted to share the links of the articles about Roz! Check all these out and to all the women who feel like they cant do something because of weight .. just try you might surprise yourself!

As Always
Stay Fit, Stay Strong and Stay Fabulous!


Me and the diva herself after Dangerous Curves!

Incredipole Dance instructor called fat fitness America’s Got Talent judge hits amazing strength flexibility

Check her out on social media!
on Instagram @RozTheDiva

Dont forget to follow me on instagram as well! Always posting about my pole wins! great for Polesperation!
Instagram @kbujold21

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